
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Fearless Voice vs. The Ulterior Motive: War of the Words

Sifting through the ashes of burned out dreams and wading through the mire of cliche plots, dull diatribe, and copycat garbage is becoming more and more a daily fight for even the most sporadic reader these days. In performing these tedious tasks, it is making super expectations and critical eagle eyes out of the most attention span deprived readers. Unfortunately, it is making it that much more difficult for even the most seasoned writer to stand out from the crowd without being accused of poor practices of one sort or another.

What most writers fail to realize is that writing requires far more consistency in having a unique voice that rises above all others which separates them from those who write purely for content that they believe will sell more copies and increase the bottom line. The average reader these days is practiced in knowing the motive for the writer who creates their respective works for their faithful customers.

I've spoken of bravery in supporting work that you believe in. Now, I am speaking of bravery in finding your warrior voice that will carry you out of the realm of unknown and into the realm of the up and comers. This voice comes not from asking what people want to hear from you but what your characters want to tell those who venture into the world you build for them to get lost in. The best advice I can give is to allow your story to create itself and not to rely so much on outlines and rules. Creativity is natural and like a beast in the wilderness. Trap it and it can not express its true nature. Set it free and it lives and grows in a manner that nature intended it to. Adaptable and wild. Able to see things from all angles. It makes the imagination wander in ways that do nothing but assist in your ascension of being a creator.

Readers want realism, even in the most fantastic of settings they want to be able to relate to the characters they watch come alive inside their minds. They want their worlds to grow with the story and not be spilled out in the confines of a single chapter. I like to think of writing fiction like raising not a child but an entire planet, all with the understanding that trusting your characters to make that planet as synergistic as possible, regardless of what kind of chaos may ensue or what tales creep up inside the freedom you allow it to have. Drop your expectations and allow your mind to flow the scenarios freely in a way that creates organic growth and your voice will emerge in a profound way that is sure to set you miles apart from the rest.

Patience is key to understanding and accepting the fact that greatest writers are not found within the ranks of Harvard or Yale. They are found within the pages of their mind that spring from a dream they had that woke them in a pool of sweat at three a.m on a Wednesday morning. Confidence comes from knowing that thinking produces boring stories while dreaming produces magnificent wonders that enthrall the masses by forcing them to open their minds and not just think outside the box but to create outside the sphere.

Christopher Storm
-aka- "The Stormcaller"


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