
Saturday, October 26, 2013

J.R.R Tolkien: Founder of Modern Epic Fantasy

Many know him and love his work. Some have never read any of his books, yet have seen all the movies. Regardless, Tolkien's work inspired a movement of modern writers who opened up their minds to a world of elves, dwarves, trolls, and the war between good and evil. Of course there were others before him that approached the subject but, Tolkien pioneered into the realm of blatancy in regards to such things. His work inspired many great writers of today. Science fiction evolved because of his work as well. When anyone wants to pursue a career in writing fiction; Tolkien is a required read in order to establish a solid foundation of getting the creative juices flowing.

The undertones and overtones of the spirit world and all the things heavenly and hellishly go hand in hand with the world that he brought to us all. He was initiated into the occult and his work reflected this. The occult receives many misinterpretations. The occult simply means things unknown. I could go on and on about religion and how the occult ties into it but I digress.

His writing style is outdated by today's standards, but his message is resoundingly complex and full of imagination and pure creative, yet wise symbolism. When I write fantasy; I feel almost as if I am channeling from another dimension a force that is sending a message through me. I feel that Tolkien felt much the same way when he was writing. Fact of the matter is that some people are literally born with a predisposition to write and create in certain ways according to the influence of stars themselves. I realize this may not be believed by the vast majority of the world but, I have free will to believe what my own spirit guides me to.

Tolkien's stories are the epitome of a true mastery of story weaving. His allusions to the real world have been studied by many and philosophies have been examined from his work. Whether or not you are a fan of his; the effect of his work on our society is impossible to deny. The idea of super beings stemmed from his books. It is my opinion that his ideas were the basis of influence that created comic books. Comic books were the basis of video gaming. Just like any other concept; it only takes one domino to fall in order to spark a movement. His works are a perfect example of this.

Whether you write non-fiction or mystery. fantasy or how-to books; I highly recommend reading Tolkien's works. You just might be inspired to create a work of your own that emphasizes your inner writer in ways you never thought possible.

By Christopher Storm
-aka-The Stormcaller

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