
Friday, January 17, 2014

The Importance Of Magnetism In All Aspects Of A Writing Career

The elusiveness of creating a sustainable income as a writer is the number one reason why so many writers give up their efforts. Of course there are many factors that contribute to this outcome. One of the most sweeping reasons that can be applied to writing as a whole is the idea of "magnetism".

Especially in this economic climate, the idea of becoming successful as a writer seems insurmountable by even talented individuals with fair knowledge of the craft. The key is in creating such appeal in all aspects of what you create that it pulls people in from all over the place. This sounds far more difficult than it is in actuality.

I feel the need to state that I am not yet a published author. I do have a book coming out in the next few months, however, I have a few advantages that placed me in the know in terms of the material I cover in this blog. BRAG ALERT: Both myself and my family has been told, since early in my elementary school days, that I have a gift for expressing myself that rivals some of the greatest writers in memory. These were not my words, but the words of my teachers all through my school career. The kicker is that my family, despite being told these things, always discouraged me from pursuing a writing career. They said it was very rare for anyone to make a good living as a writer. Even though all my teachers supported me and I took advanced writing and composition classes at times; The words of my family and so-called friends weighed heavily on me. Rather than going into college and getting a degree related to my one love and passion in life; I found myself entering the field of skilled blue collar labor.

In time, life events forced me to lose my credibility in the field I chose. It took me many years to wake up and realize that i would never be able to please my family and that the opinions of my friends were only a reflection of their own knowing that they were not capable of achieving greatness in the field of writing. For far too long, I allowed others to influence my actions and direction in life. I finally woke up to the fact that this is my life and I deserve to live it the way I want. I am beyond confident that the words of my teachers will finally come to fruition. If not with my first book then the next or the following. Regardless of when it happens, I know in my heart of hearts that my talent will bring great rewards in life. I will not ever give up. I have recreated my belief system as a result of numerous life-changing circumstances. All of the events leading up to today, as well as my plans for the future, are detailed in my upcoming book entitled Dark Secrets: My Unhinged Schizophrenic Life. I give you my word that if you enjoy any kind of controversy or shock value in regards to a person's life then this book will far exceed your expectations.

Getting back to the subject of my blog, this magnetism I allude to is something that is either naturally occurring or learned over a period of time. Regardless of how you obtain it, it is required for any writer to make any of their works a success.

The title of your work must grab the reader. The cover or artwork must pull them in so deeply that they are compelled to look deeper into the pages in between. The hum drum and common themes across all genres has to be tweaked and twisted or completely broken in order to create a "must read" theme in a potential readers' mind. Bold concepts and eye catching fonts that don't distract or fade into the cover need to be correctly integrated into your works. Most importantly, your credibility as a writer hinges on the content of the pages in your work. From the first page's eloquence or inherent immersion to the ending and beginning of each and every chapter, every detail of your story must flow and create an atmosphere that deters your reader from putting that book on the table or clicking off into another part of cyberspace. The middle of the work has to create something unique from the beginning. The transitions from chapters and paragraphs have to make sense and tie into the story in a believable or intriguing way. The ending needs to leave your reader sitting there for a solid 60 seconds at least, feeling good about themselves for choosing to take the time and money to invest in your work. The longer the reader sits there in glee or shock or a heightened emotional state, the better job you have done towards making them a happy customer who is likely to come back eager to make that same investment again and again.

From the images you use to market your name, face, reputation, and story to the marketing strategies and value you provide to your readership; Not one aspect lacks in importance toward your ultimate goal of becoming a renowned weaver of tales and facts. Remember that even the best writers in the business hold lots of room for improvement. They are all guilty of writing sub-par books and works of literature. This should force anyone looking to make a name for themselves to evaluate every facet of what they work on.

If you love to write more than anything else then the "game" is half over in your favor. Take your love for your craft to the highest level imaginable and scour every move you make before publishing something you stamp your name and reputation on.

Best of wishes and luck to you all in 2014!